Hanoi (VNA) - President Tran Dai Quang on August 7 hosted separate receptionsfor the new ambassadors from Chile, the United Kingdom (UK) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Poland, Gambia, Uganda, Nepal, Jamaica, Guatemala and Botswana as they came to present their credentialsto the State leader.
During the meetings, President Quang affirmed that Vietnam wants to strengthenand further develop the relations and cooperation with all the countries acrossall fields.
Vietnam’s authorities will work closely with, and create favourable conditions forthe ambassadors to complete their tasks, contributing to expanding the fruitfulrelations between Vietnam and the nations.
In the meeting with Chilean Ambassador Jaime Chomali Garib, President Quang saidChile is one of the most important partners of Vietnam in Latin America, addingthat Vietnam looks forward to continuing to step up the comprehensivepartnership between the two countries.
He thanked Chile for supporting Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat atthe United Nation Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.
Vietnam will closely coordinate with Chile to successfully organise the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in 2019, he affirmed.
Talking with Ambassador of the UK of Great Britain and NorthernIreland Gareth Ward onmeasures to boost the economic ties between the two countries, President Quang askedthe diplomat to encourage UK businesses to boost investment and business inVietnam.
He also called on the UK to help Vietnam access capital sources from the UK’s wealthfund, especially in Vietnam’s priority fields such as business environmentimprovement, climate change adaptation and infrastructure development.
The President also asked the UK to support Vietnam in enhancing relations withthe European Union (EU), and to call on the EU to sign and ratify theVietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in 2018.
Vietnam hopes to bolstercooperation with the UK in education and training, he said, asking the Europeancountry to support Vietnam in training in law, finance-banking, insurance,hi-technology.
Cultural and sport exchanges should be prompted between Vietnam and the UK,towards strengthening their friendship and mutual understanding, the Vietnameseleader stressed.
At the meeting with Polish Ambassador Wojciech Gerwel, President Quang noted with pleasure the significantprogress made in economic ties between Vietnam and Poland over the past time, affirmingthat Poland is Vietnam’s largest trade partner in the Central Eastern Europe.
The leader also applauded achievements inbilateral cooperation in culture and education-training, and expressed his hopethat the two sides will step up their collaboration in this field on the basisof the agreement on educational cooperation signed in 2017.
He thankedPoland for its support for Vietnam’s bid to run for a non-permanent seat at theUN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term, and called on Poland to continuebacking the Vietnam-EU partnership and comprehensive cooperation, including thesigning and ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement in 2018.
Receiving Gambian Ambassador RamziaDiab Ghanim,President Quang said Vietnam always attaches importance to cooperation withtraditional African friends, including Gambia.
However, the bilateral collaboration has yet tomatch potential of the two countries, he noted, urging both sides to intensify thevisits by delegations and boost people-to-people exchanges in order to increasemutual understanding.
Vietnam and Gambia should sign important legaldocuments to create a framework for bilateral cooperation in specific realms,while boosting their affiliation in the spheres in which the two countries haveadvantages such as agriculture, maritime economy and tourism, President Quangsaid.
At the reception for Uganda Ambassador DorothySamali Hyuha, the leader suggested Vietnam and Uganda strengthen their economicties, expressing his hope that the diplomat will promote the African nation’strade and investment potential in Vietnam.
Vietnam stands ready to share experience andpartner with Uganda in agriculture, fishery, garment-textile and construction,he said.
Meeting Nepali Ambassador KhagaNath Adhikari,President Quang called on the diplomat to contribute to boosting delegationexchanges between the two countries via the Party, State and National Assemblychannels, as well as exchanges between their residents and businesses.
While receiving Jamaican Ambassador Antonia Hugh,the President said Vietnam wishes to reinforce cooperation with Jamaica byincreasing delegation exchanges and creating favourable conditions forenterprises of both sides to study the respective marketsand seek business opportunities.
Sharing with Guatemalan Ambassador HerbertEstuardo Meneses Coronado about positive development in the bilateralrelations, especially in economy and trade, President Quang said there is alarge room for Vietnam and Guatemala to boost cooperation in agriculture,industry, science technology and services.
He suggested the two sides organise meetings forbusinesses to explore investment opportunities in the respective markets, aswell as promote negotiations to sign cooperation agreements, particularly inthe fields of economy, trade, science and technology, and create a favourablelegal framework for the long-term cooperation development.
Welcoming Botswana Ambassador Mothusi BruceRabasha Palai, President Quang affirmed Vietnam always attaches importance torelations with African countries, including Botswana, adding that Vietnam hopesto enhance cooperation with Botswana for the benefits of the two peoples.
He recommended the two countries strengthendelegation and people-to-people exchanges for better mutual understanding andsoon sign a cooperation framework agreement on economy, culture, education,information technology.
The President urged the two sides to boostcollaboration in the fields of their strength such as agriculture, tourism, andinformation technology.
He said Vietnam welcomes the Botswana Presidentto pay an official visit to Vietnam on the occasion of the 10th anniversary ofthe bilateral diplomatic ties in 2019.
The ambassadors expressed their pleasure at thegrowing friendship and cooperation between their countries and Vietnam over thepast time and wished the Vietnamese State and people would gain moreachievements in the coming time.
They pledged to spare no efforts to beef up thecooperative ties with Vietnam in economy, trade, investment, tourism andeducation.-VNA