Highly appreciating the late PM's efforts for thedevelopment of Japan and the happiness of Japanese people, Phuc affirmed that Abewas loved by many international friends, including Vietnamese people.
He said he treasures the special affection and contributionsof Abe and his wife toward the Vietnam-Japan cooperation relationship.
For her part, Abe Akie said she will continue to payattention to and support the further development of the countries’ ties in the timeto come.
While in Japan to attend the state funeral of late PM Abe inTokyo between September 26 and 28, Phuc hosted receptions for a number ofJapanese friends and Vietnamese representatives in Japan.
Speaking at the meetings, on behalf of leaders of the Party,State and people of Vietnam, he expressed his deep condolences on Abe’s death, saying it is a great loss for not only the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP),Government, National Diet and people of Japan, but also tothe Vietnam-Japan friendly cooperation relationship.
Receiving President of the Japan-Vietnam FriendshipParliamentary Alliance and former Secretary General of the LDP Nikai Toshihiro,former Japanese PM Suga Yoshihide and Japanese parliamentarians, Phuc lauded the alliance's effectivecontributions to promoting the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership.
The guests affirmed that they will continue to support andpromote cooperation between the nations’ parliaments, the exchange of their parliamentariansand young leaders; promote the bilateral collaboration in economy-trade, ODA, andlabour; and come up with policies in support of Vietnamese interns and workers inJapan.

Hosting Matsuzawa Ken, President of Japan’s InternationalFriendship Exchange Council (FEC), President Phuc suggested the council furtherpromote economic and educational cooperation, cultural and people-to-people exchangesbetween Vietnam and Japan; and support activities of the Vietnamese Embassy inJapan.
Matsuzawa affirmed that FEC is determined to contribute to deepeningthe countries’ relations and people-to-people exchanges.

The priorities included creating conditions for marketexpansion for each other's products; transferring technology in agriculture, processing, wastewatertreatment, health, environmental protection; and increasing the reception ofVietnamese students, high-quality workers and technical interns.
The President’s schedule in Japan also included a receptionfor a group of outstanding Vietnamese intellectuals in Japan.
On the afternoon of September 28, Phuc and his entourageleft Tokyo for Vietnam./.