Talking to the press, the FM said the President’s trip hascontributed to promoting the implementation of the external ties guidelines setby the 13th National Party Congress and delivered a strong messageto the world on Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, multilateralization anddiversification, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, and thatVietnam is a reliable friend, an active and responsible member of the internationalcommunity.
Second, the trip affirmed the loyal solidarity, mutual supportand comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba. FM Son stressed that thevisit by President Phuc has breathed new life and created a new momentum for thespecial traditional ties between the two countries, as manifested in therelease of a joint statement covering all fields and the signing of manycooperative agreements in agriculture, health care, justice, communications andinformation, energy and tourism.
The FM noted that even when its domestic supply of COVID-19 vaccineis still not sufficient to cover the entire population, Cuba still commits toprovide Vietnam with 10 million doses of its Abdala vaccine, with 1 million dosesdelivered right during President Phuc’s visit.
He added that Vietnam, while still struggling with variousdifficulties since the pandemic broke out, has also presented Cuba 23,000tonnes of rice, including 6,000 tonnes delivered during President Phuc’s visit,along with medical supplies, maize seeds and computers.
Third, the active participation of President Phuc’s in thehigh-level debates of the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council andother UN meetings shows that Vietnam is a peace loving country with aspirationsfor development, which makes active and constructive contributions to global peace,security and development issues, especially the COVID-19 prevention and controland post-pandemic recovery and sustainable.
FM Son noted that the President’s messages and proposals at UN meetings have receivedapproval, appreciation and warm response from leaders of many countries andpartners.
The diplomat went on to say that President Phuc had made use ofthe occasion of the trip to New York for the UN high-level general debate tomeet with leaders of many countries, international organisations andbusinesses, helping strengthen external relations and the favourableenvironment for national peace, stability and development.
In addition, the President’s trip has won the support of theinternational community for Vietnam’s efforts to control the pandemic andrestore socio-economic development. FM Son noted that besides the 1 milliondoses of vaccine from Cuba which are brought home on the President’s flightback home, many partners have pledged to provide and sell vaccines to Vietnam.For example, the Republic of Korea promised to deliver more than 1 milliondoses of vaccine in mid-October and Hungary pledged to immediately deliver400,000 doses. The Northwestern Medicine group will provide medicalequipment worth 3.8 million USD, the Thermo Fisher, 270,000 test kits worth 2million USD and David Duong, an overseas Vietnamese, 1,000 ventilators.
The diplomat also highlighted that during thePresident’s trip, many leading groups signed contracts and agreements worth billionsof USD with Vietnamese counterparts. The trip also helped strengthen the internationalbusiness community’s trust in Vietnam.
Regarding orientations and focus of the Vietnam-Cuba partnershipin the new context, FM Son said that the two sides will concentrate oncomprehensively promoting their special traditional friendship through theParty, State and people diplomacy channels across all fields ofpolitics-diplomacy, defence, security as well as socio-economy.
He said the two sides will optimise the existing cooperation mechanisms toincrease the exchange of theory and practical experience in socialism buildingand socio-economic development in each country.

According to Son, Vietnam and Cuba will further expand and deepen economicpartnership to match their sound political relations, focusing on agriculture,information technology, tranport, tourism, health care, pharmaceuticals, andvaccine production.
He added that Vietnam and Cuba will continue to unite, coordinate with andsupport each other at multilateral forums, thus enhancing the position of eachcountry and making more positive contributions to peace, stability, nationalindependence, democracy and social progress in the world.
Mentioning Vietnam’s plans for engagement in UN activities and common work ofthe world, Son said that in the time to come, Vietnam will prioritise thestrengthening of its involvement in UN activities while promoting its role andunique identity through practical initiatives.
In addition, Vietnam will increase its participation in UN peacekeepingoperations and the implementation of UN top priorities, such as stamping outCOVID-19, promoting sustainable and inclusive post-pandemic recovery anddevelopment, realizing Sustainable Development Goals, delivering on commitmentson environmental protection, ensuring and promoting human rights, and promotingthe restructuring of the UN, he said.
The FM stressed that Vietnam will continue to make full use of the support fromUN agencies in resources, expertise and experience for national development infollowing years. Boosting the practical and effective cooperation with the UNwill help Vietnam deepen ties with countries, partners as well as othermultilateral organisations and forums, contributing to maintaining the peacefuland stable environment as well as mobilising international resources for thecountry’s socio-economic development and enhancing its position in the worldarena, Son concluded./.