The visit is the first delegation exchange atthe prime ministerial level between the two countries in five years, taking placein the context of good development of the over-70-year-old Vietnam - Romania traditional ties and cooperation.
During his stay in Romania, PMChinh will hold talks and have meetings with the Prime Minister, the President, the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania.
He will visit some Romanian localities and universities, attend the Vietnam –Romania business forum, receive representatives from the Romania – Vietnam FriendshipAssociation, and meet staff at the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese community in the country.
The visit aims atdeepening the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the twocountries, creating new driving forces to bolster bilateral collaboration across thefields of Romania’s strengths and in line with Vietnam’s development needs such asagriculture, processing and manufacturing, and healthcare. Besides, it is expectedto strengthen business cooperation and lure investment in potential fields,contributing to creating favourable conditions for the Vietnam – European Unionties./.