Hanoi (VNA) - The CentralMilitary Commission held the 10th emulation congress of the entire army inHanoi on June 23.
The congress saw the presence of Prime MinisterNguyen Xuan Phuc, who is also Chairman of the Central Emulation and RewardsCouncil, and officials from different sectors, along with 300 exemplarycollectives and individuals in the army’s emulation movement between 2015 and2020.
In his opening remarks, General Ngo Xuan Lich,Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Minister of NationalDefence, said the foundation, development, fighting, and victories of theVietnam People’s Army (VPA) under the leadership of the Party and President HoChi Minh have always been associated with the patriotic emulation movement.
The army’s emulation movement has beendeveloping continually for more than 75 years, bringing into play the strengthof the military to successfully perform tasks assigned by the Party, the State,and the people, and contributing to national development and defence, he noted.
The minister said this congress was an occasionto review the patriotic emulation movement in the army and to honour theachievements in the movement over the last five years. It would also specifyorientations, targets, and measures to step up the army’s emulation movementfor the next five years, he added.
The congress was also chosen as a model forothers nationwide, Lich added, and it will help with the success of the upcoming10th national patriotic emulation congress.
General Luong Cuong, member of the CentralMilitary Commission’s Standing Board and Director of the VPA’s GeneralDepartment of Politics, reported that emulation and rewards activities over thelast five years have recorded important outcomes, greatly encouraging officers,soldiers, and employees to overcome the difficulties and fulfil their duties.
Addressing the congress, PM Phuc commended allmilitary forces for their excellent accomplishments in the patriotic emulationmovement, especially the 300 exemplary collectives and individuals in the2015-2020 period.
In the time ahead, he noted, there will be majoropportunities as well as numerous difficulties and challenges for nationaldevelopment and defence.
Given this, each cadre, officer, and soldier inthe army needs to uphold patriotism and solidarity while exerting their utmostefforts to weather the difficulties and challenges, thus joining the entireParty and people to firmly safeguard national independence, sovereignty, unity,and territorial integrity, along with the Party, the State, the people and thesocialist regime.
Suggesting orientations for the army’s emulationmovement, the PM expressed his belief that with high resolve and efforts byofficers and soldiers, the army will continue to take the lead in thenationwide movement and be a source of encouragement for military officers andsoldiers to unceasingly strive to obtain even greater achievements, therebyfurther contributing to national development and defence./.