Welcoming the President’s first statevisit, on the threshold of Vietnam’s traditional Tet (Lunar New Year), PM Chinhsaid that the visit will contribute to promoting the two countries’ friendshipand multi-faceted cooperation.
President Marcos Jr. affirmed that thePhilippines always attaches importance and wants to lift thePhilippines-Vietnam strategic partnership to a new height.
The two sides agreed to increase theexchange of delegations at all levels, affirming that regular meetings betweenleaders of the two countries contribute to consolidating and strengtheningpolitical trust and comprehensively promoting bilateral collaboration.
They also agreed to soon fully carry outbilateral cooperation mechanisms; and comprehensively review the action programmeto implement the strategic partnership for the 2019-2024 period, and developanother for the new period, with priority given to new and potential fieldssuch as digital transformation, green economy, circular economy, climate changeresponse, and energy transition.
The leaders discussed measures tostrengthen economic, trade and investment cooperation with a goal of bringingtwo-way trade to 10 billion USD by 2025; create a favourable business andinvestment environment, especially in areas where both sides have needs andstrengths such as processing technology, infrastructure, automobile supportingindustries, renewable energy, and hi-tech agriculture.
Regarding rice trade, Chinh affirmed thatthis is one of the important areas of cooperation, not only for economicbenefits but also for ensuring food security. He proposed the two sideseffectively implement the memorandum of understanding on rice trade cooperationsigned on this occasion.
As for defence and security cooperation,the two leaders affirmed that they will continue to promote the role of thedefence, security and maritime cooperation mechanism; soon resume the joint committeeon sea and ocean cooperation at the deputy foreign ministerial level; improvethe effectiveness of joint patrols, and search and rescue at sea; and asstrengthen cooperation in the fight against drug crime, cybercrime, high-techcrime, and economic crime.
Marcos Jr. agreed with Chinh's proposal topromote cooperation in potential fields such as education and training, scienceand technology, tourism, culture, people-to-people exchange, and collaborationbetween localities; and encouraged the opening of more direct flightsconnecting famous destinations between the two countries.
Discussing international and regional issues,the two leaders appreciated the close coordination at regional andinternational forums such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Asia-EuropeMeeting (ASEM); and emphasised the maintenance of solidarity and the centralrole of ASEAN, as well as the consensus on building a strong, united andresilient ASEAN Community.
Regarding the East Sea issue, the two sidesagreed to continue to coordinate closely with each other and with ASEANcountries and partners to maintain and implement ASEAN's common viewpoint onthe East Sea; ensure the full and serious implementation of the Declaration onthe Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), speed up negotiations on buildingan effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordancewith international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS); and build the East Sea into a sea of peace, cooperation anddevelopment, thus contributing to the stable, prosperous and sustainabledevelopment of the region and the world./.