Welcoming Swedish Ambassador Camilla Mellander, PMDung affirmed Vietnam’s constant policy of working with Sweden tofurther develop the two countries’ relations, bringing practicalbenefits for both sides.
Vietnam asked Sweden tosupport its broadening relations with the EU, including the Vietnam-EUFTA negotiations and the establishment of a dialogue mechanism toenhance their cooperation, Dung said.
He also expressed hiswish to further boost bilateral trade and investment cooperation andsought Sweden ’s assistance in healthcare, education, environment andclimate change.
Ambassador Camilla Mellander affirmedthat the Swedish Government wishes to increase ties with Vietnam inthe coming time, especially in trade, investment, health, education andgreen technology. Sweden is ready for a new period in its relationswith Vietnam that oriented by enhanced friendship, equality andeffectiveness, she added.
At his reception for CzechAmbassador Martin Klepetko, PM Dung asked the two sides to strengthenrelations in trade and investment and support each other at multilateralforums to fully utilise their potentials.
He asked theCzech Republic to offer more scholarships to Vietnamese students tostudy in the eastern European country and consolidate the two countries’friendship and mutual understanding.
Ambassador MartinKlepetko said the Czech Republic has placed Vietnam among thecountries they want to prioritise cooperation, especially in economics,trade and investment.
Czech Republic private businesses have also paid attention to the Vietnamese market, he said.
Notingthat there is a huge potential for cooperation between Vietnam and theCzech Republic, he suggested the two governments create favourableconditions for enterprises of both sides to seek investment and businessopportunities.-VNA