Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh onMarch 9 chaired a conference on the implementation of the Government’s action programmematerialising a directive by the Party Central Committee's Secretariat on economicdiplomacy and its key tasks this year.
The action programme was issued for the 2022-2026 periodin response to the Secretariat’s Directive No. 15-CT/TW dated August 8, 2022 oneconomic diplomacy for national development by 2030.
The conference was connected with sites at the People’sCommittees of centrally-run cities and provinces, and Vietnamese representativeoffices abroad.
In his remarks, Chinh emphasised the important role bydiplomats, ambassadors, chiefs of the Vietnamese representative offices and tradecounsellors in the Party’s foreign policies, including economic diplomacy, amid the rapid, complex and unpredictable developments in the global situation.
He asked the diplomatic sector, ministries, agencies,localities and businesses to maximise the country’s position and potential, andwork harder for the country’s peace, security and development.
The leader suggested organising all-level diplomaticprogrammes, identifying economic affairs as a focus of diplomatic activities, andactively implementing cooperation agreements and contents between Vietnam andits partners.
He stressed that measures should be rolled outconcertedly to promote market, product and supply chain diversification inorder to boost export, expand markets and bring into full play exportpotential in the areas of Vietnam’s strengths and the world’s demand.
The PM also emphasised the need to utilise free tradeagreements, and consider establishing long-term, stable economic-trade cooperationframeworks with potential partners, stay updated on the market, step up investmentpromotion, and connect domestic firms with foreign partners.
Economic diplomacy should be enhanced to attract high-qualityinvestments from multi-national groups, and improve the country’s position inthe global supply chain, he said, adding that foreign economic sectors, particularlyinternational tourism and labour export, need to be further promoted.
All opportunities should be optimised to lure externalresources for green transition and sustainable development, he said.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son said economic diplomacy in 2022 was carried out in line with the Government’s governance focuses and opportunely shifted its focus from serving the pandemic combat to serving socio-economic recovery and development.
He outlined several focuses of economic diplomacy for 2023, namely pressing on with implementing the Government’s action plan; making economic cooperation the focus of senior leaders’ activities; boosting support for export, investment, tourism, labour, and science - technology in the spirit of putting people, localities and enterprises at the centre; continuing to actively integrate into and connect with the international community; and stepping up research, consultation work, reforms, creativity, and effectiveness enhancement to make substantive improvements to economic diplomacy./.