Prime Minister works with Tank-Armoured Corps

PM Phuc has commended the Tank-Armour Corps for their combat readiness, as seen in the good performance of the tank teams in the Tank Contest at the 2019 International Army Games In Russia.
Prime Minister works with Tank-Armoured Corps ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets with officers of the Tank-Armoured Corps (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has commended the Tank-Armoured Corps for their combat readiness, as seen in the good performance of the tank teams in the Tank Contest at the 2019 International Army Games in Russia.

Visiting the corps on December 19 on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, the PM highlighted the heroic tradition of the corps since its foundation on October 5, 1959.

He praised the corps for its achievements in synchronously implementing many solutions to improve the quality of training, and the readiness to fight to safeguard the country.

The Government leader ordered the Tank-Armoured Corps to continue effectively implementing resolutions of Party congresses at all levels, and policies on military and national defence of the Party.

He asked the force to proactively fight against wrong views of hostile forces, and prevent degradation in political ideology, ethics and lifestyle and internal “self-evolution” and self-transformation, while working hard to master and effectively use new weapons and modern equipment.

At the same time, the corps needs to promote research on the art of tank armored combat based on the military expertise of the nation, and applying to the current situation in the country, he said.

He expressed his belief that under the leadership by the Party, State, and directly by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of Defense; and with its glorious tradition and valuable experiences during the 60 years of establishment and development, the Tank-Armoured Corps will make unceasing efforts to successfully complete all assigned tasks./.


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