Prisoners in Quang Binh province granted clemency

Clemency was granted to 416 inmates at Dong Son Prison in central Quang Binh province on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of national reunification.

Clemency was granted to 416 inmates at Dong Son Prison in central Quang Binh province on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of national reunification.

Thirty-three prisoners have been freed ahead of their release date, while 383 others will have their imprisonment reduced by 1-15 months.

Colonel Hoang Quoc Tri, a warden at the prison, said the prisoners were pardoned for good behaviour and rehabilitation, adding that those freed received transport expenses so as to swiftly reunite with their relatives.

Earlier this year, 558 prisoners at Dong Son jail also benefited from sentence reductions ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday.-VNA

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