Private company launches search for Malaysia's Flight MH370

Vessel Seabed Constructor of the US-based company Ocean Infinity has arrived at the search area for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean.
 Private company launches search for Malaysia's Flight MH370 ảnh 1This undated handout picture released on Jan 10, 2018 by the company Ocean Infinity shows the vessel 'Seabed Constructor' which has been dispatched to the southern Indian Ocean to search for the wreckage of the missing plane MH370. (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) - Vessel Seabed Constructor of the US-based company Ocean Infinity has arrived at the search area for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean.

Malaysia agreed to pay the US firm up to 70 million USD if it finds the plane within 90 days. The search vessel set off from Durban, South Africa, on January 3.

Ocean Infinity’s vessel carries eight “autonomous underwater vehicles”, or submersible craft that can search a wide area of sea floor much faster than the tethered scanners used in previous searches.

If they don’t find anything in the 90 days, that would be the final effort to uncover the history’s biggest aviation mystery for many years.

Flight MH370 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014 with 239 people on board.-VNA


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