Processed goods market prepares for Tet 2020

Supermarkets and traditional markets in Ho Chi Minh City are increasing their supply of processed foodstuff in preparation for Tet 2020.
Processed goods market prepares for Tet 2020 ảnh 1Markets and supermarkets in HCM City are stocking up on processed foodstuff to prepare for Tết 2020. (Photo

- Supermarkets and traditional markets in Ho Chi Minh City are increasing their supply of processed foodstuff in preparation for Tet 2020.

A wide variety of foodstuff popular during the holiday such as sausages, rice vermicelli and dried shrimp are being sold at many supermarkets like Co.opmart and BigC.

Nguyen Anh Duc, deputy standing general director of Saigon Co.op, told Saigon Giai phong newspaper that the amount of Tet products being stocked this year would be around 15-40 percent higher than last year, ensuring sufficient supply for the three months surrounding Tet.

Retailers are also offering discounts on certain products to attract customers before Tet, as opposed to having most of the purchases close to Tet as in previous years.

Owner of a market stall at Binh Thanh district's Binh Chanh Market told the newspaper that more customers are buying from supermarkets, so traditional market vendors are not stocking products as much as before.

Prices of Tet products in these markets remain around the same as last year. In recent years, market vendors have also been declaring the origin of goods more thoroughly.

Purchases of Tet goods are still slow, but businesses expect that it will pick up in the upcoming days, especially one week before Tet./.

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