Speaking at the national press conferenceto review work in 2023 and put forward tasks for the following year, Nghiaacknowledged results and achievements of press agencies andjournalists nationwide this year.
He requested them to focus on speeding up theimprovement of legal institutions on the press, including amending and supplementingthe 2016 Press Law and completing a master plan on national press development andmanagement to 2025 so as to create conditions for the press to develop healthily andin the right direction.
It is necessary to strengthen discipline incomplying with in formation directions and orientations, and in correcting andhandling violations of laws and professional ethics.
In 2024, priority should be given tothoroughly handling any violations by press agencies and journalists to createpositive changes worthy of public trust, Nghia stressed.
In the context of the strong development ofscience and technology, new media platforms, and social media, the press, morethan ever, must create a positive, mainstream, and widely spreading informationflow leading and orienting public opinion about good things in society, thusmaking an important contribution to building an advanced Vietnamese culturerich in national identity, and building systems of national values, culturalvalues and family values and standards of Vietnamese people in a new era, headded.
Addressing the event, Deputy Prime MinisterTran Luu Quang said that in 2023, the press has done much better than last yearin carrying out political tasks.
Press agencies should continue to arrangetheir agencies in accordance with the Press Digital Transformation Strategy to2025, Quang stated, requiring each journalist to continue being a kind-heartedperson so as to have decent products.
At the conference, participants discussedissues of common concern in journalism work as well as current journalism andmedia situations; while identifying trends and challenges, as well asfundamental and comprehensive tasks and solutions for 2024 and in the comingperiod.
Thirty-three collectives with outstandingachievements in the press work in 2023 received certificates of merit of the Commissionfor Information and Education./.