Provinces launch tree planting festival to support 1 billion tree programme

A number of localities launched tree planting festivals on February 17 as part of this year’s efforts in response to the Government’s programme on planting 1 billion trees to 2025.
Provinces launch tree planting festival to support 1 billion tree programme ảnh 1Young people take part in the tree planting festival held at Van Lang Park in Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province, on February 17 (Photo: VNA)
Phu Tho (VNA) - A number oflocalities launched tree planting festivals on February 17 as part of thisyear’s efforts in response to the Government’s programme on planting 1 billiontrees to 2025.

At the launch in northern Phu Tho province, ViceSecretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincialPeople’s Committee Bui Van Quang said that following late President Ho ChiMinh’s teachings, the tree planting festival held every spring has become atradition around the country over the last 60 years and more.

Quang called on all-level authorities, sectors,agencies, economic organisations, armed forces, and people in Phu Tho to supportthe programme on planting 1 billion trees and to step up afforestation andforest protection.

The province is set to grow 1.5 millionscattered trees this year.

In Ninh Binh, meanwhile, a ceremony was alsoorganised to mark the tree planting festival and support the 1 billion treeprogramme.

The northern province is looking to have anadditional 5.5 million trees and 200 ha of forest in the 2021-2025 period,including 1 million trees and 40 ha of forest this year.

Similar activities took place in eightdistrict-level localities in Thai Binh province on February 17.

On November 28, 1959, President Ho Chi Minh wrotean article published in the Nhan dan (People) newspaper stressing the significanceof tree planting for each person, each family, and the entire nation. Since thefirst tree planting festival was held in the spring of 1960, the activity hasbecome a common practice whenever a new year arrives./.

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