The proposal, which was submitted to the provincial People’s Committee forapproval, aims to bring them back to school as soon as possible.
According to the department, as many as 534 high school students weren’t ableto return to school due to the COVID-19 pandemic as of March 13. Of which, 94students were quarantined in Quang Ninh province while the rest were in HaiDuong and other provinces.
In the first option, the students would return to Quang Ninh province andundergo safety requirements. Specifically, those from locked down areas orthose under social distancing in neighbouring Hai Duong province will bequarantined at centralised quarantine centres.
Students who live in Hai Duong province but are not in locked down areas orthose with social distancing requirements will be tested for SARS-CoV-2 andself-quarantine at home for 14 days.
Regarding students who live in other provinces and cities, if they are underquarantine, they will return to school after completing the mandatory period,the department said.
Those who aren’t in quarantine can return to school but they will have to makea health declaration to local health authorities.
Students who are under quarantine in Quang Ninh province will resume classesafter their quarantine period ends and they test negative for the novelcoronavirus.
In the second option, the province will keep students who are subject toquarantine at centralised quarantine zones before returning to school.
Ha Long city plans to waive all costs for quarantine and COVID-19 tests forstudents and their relatives when they return to the city to study.
To ensure the quality of education, the provincial Department of Education andTraining also directed educational establishments to maintain online learningand other forms of learning to consolidate knowledge for students who have notyet returned to school as they are in quarantine./.