Quang Tri moves 240kg wartime bomb from local school

A wartime bomb, weighing 240 kg, was safely transported out of the Cua Tung secondary school in Vinh Linh district, the central province of Quang Tri, on April 7.
Quang Tri (VNA) – A wartime bomb, weighing 240 kg,was safely transported out of the Cua Tung secondary school in Vinh Linhdistrict, the central province of Quang Tri, on April 7.

A day earlier, the bomb was found while workers were diggingthe foundation for a new office at the school.

After receiving a report on the case, the sapper force under the Quang Trimilitary high command promptly arrived at the scene to carry out their work.

Lieutenant colonel Ho Viet Hung, head of the force, said thebomb was among those dropped in Vietnam by the US army during the war.

According to him, with 1.8 m in length and 30 cm indiameter, it contains 80kg of explosive material, which can cause injury withina radius of over 1,500 m.

The bomb’s location was also close to the market andresidential areas, posing a high risk of danger if not tackling promptly, headded.

Quang Tri is the most severely contaminated locality forbombs and mines across Vietnam. It has recorded over 3,400 deaths and 5,100injured people caused by UXO. 

In 1996, Quang Tri became the first province nationwide tolaunch an international cooperation project on overcoming the consequences ofUXO.

Over the past 23 years, Quang Tri has mobilised over 80million USD from sponsors, domestic, and foreign organisations to the effort.–VNA

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