Reactionary arrested for plotting subversive propaganda

Police in the northern province of Nam Dinh have arrested Pham Hoang, a member of a reactionary and terrorist organisation called “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi” (Provisional National Government of Vietnam), for plotting subversive propaganda on the National Day occasion, reported the Ministry of Publict Nam lam thoi” (Provisional National Government of Vietnam), for plott Security (MPS).

Pham Hoang, a member of a reactionary and terrorist organisation called “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi” (Provisional National Government of Vietnam). (Photo: VNA broadcasts)
Pham Hoang, a member of a reactionary and terrorist organisation called “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi” (Provisional National Government of Vietnam). (Photo: VNA broadcasts)

Hanoi (VNA) – Police in the northern province of Nam Dinh have arrested Pham Hoang, a member of a reactionary and terrorist organisation called “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi” (Provisional National Government of Vietnam), for plotting subversive propaganda on the National Day occasion, reported the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

The MPS said that Hoang, born in 1958 and living in Truc Hung commune of Truc Ninh district, came to know “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi”, led by Dao Minh Quan, via Facebook in 2019. After learning about this organisation’s platform, statutes, and policy, Hoang applied for membership and was accepted. He was also given a code number to work and liaise within this organisation.

Hoang posted many videos and articles advocating this organisation and rejecting the communist regime. Recently, he received money from exiled reactionaries to print leaflets with the intention of distributing them in crowded places in Ho Chi Minh City on the National Day occasion (September 2).

Though authorities and people’s organisations repeatedly persuaded and created chances for Hoang to leave “Chinh phu quoc gia Viet Nam lam thoi”, he was still opinionated and perceived that his acts were right. Hoang even increased acts of sabotage, collected information, and enticed and registered hundreds of people for a “referendum” to elect Dao Minh Quan as president of the so-called “Third Republic of Vietnam” as ordered by this reactionary and terrorist organisation, according to the MPS.

Police of Nam Dinh are promoting the investigation into acts of Hoang and related individuals and organisations./.


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