Reference exchange rate down 15 VND

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate for May 30 to 22,590 VND/USD, down 15 VND from the previous day.
Reference exchange rate down 15 VND ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate for May 30 to 22,590 VND/USD, down 15 VND from the previous day.

With the current trading band of /- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,267 VND/USD and the floor rate 21,923 VND/USD. 

The opening hour rates at commercial banks saw strong increases compared to May 29.

Vietcombank raised both rates by 25 VND, listing the buying rate at 22,810 VND/USD and the selling rate at 22,880 VND/USD.

BIDV also increased both rates by 30 VND to 22,810 VND/USD (buying) and 22,880 VND/USD (selling).  

Meanwhile, Techcombank offered the buying rate at 22,800 VND/USD, up 45 VND from May 29, and the selling rate at 22,900 VND/USD, up 55 VND.

From early this week, commercial banks continued adjusting up the prices of the greenback, while the trend of the reference exchange rate saw a rise on Monday and Tuesday.

Vietnam’s consumer price index (CPI) inched up 0.55 percent in May, the highest monthly increase since 2012, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO).

The index marked a 3.86 percent rise year-on-year and 1.61 percent increase from the last December. In the first five months of this year, it rose by 3.01 percent.-VNA

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