Organised by the Argentinean Embassy, the event, soundtracked byauthentic tango, was named “Cinematango, to the sound of Malbec.” Itprovided guests with an immersion in the culture and spirit ofArgentina.
It also allowed Argentineanproducers to present their Malbec wines in Vietnam, where the drink isnot well known due to the market domination of French and Chilean wines.
Argentinean Ambassador Claudio Gutierrez saidthat this event was inspired by the annual Malbec World Day, which lastyear saw 106 activities organised in 76 cities across 50 countries.
Argentina is the largest wine producer in Latin America and theworld’s ninth biggest exporter of the beverage. Malbec accounts for 72percent of the country’s wine output.
“Cinematango”, linking tango music and movies, was performed by OsvaldoMontes and his group. It is one of Osvaldo Montes’ most well-known stageperformances since its premiere in Montreal, Canada in 2002.
“Cinematango, to the sound of Malbec” was also played at the festival 2014.-VNA