Requiem for Vietnamese martyrs held in Myanmar

A requiem for martyrs who laid down their lives to safeguard Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty took place at Dai Phuoc pagoda, the first Vietnamese pagoda in Myanmar, on September 10.
Requiem for Vietnamese martyrs held in Myanmar ảnh 1Scene at the requiem (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A requiem for martyrs who laid down their lives to safeguard Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty took place at Dai Phuoc pagoda, the first Vietnamese pagoda in Myanmar, on September 10.

Participated by nearly 200 Vietnamese expatriates in Myanmar, the event featured the ceremonies of offering flowers and incense and lighting up candles.

In his speech at the requiem, Venerable Thich Thien Ngoc, head of the pagoda, said it is the first time Dai Phuoc pagoda has held such event, which aims to commemorate Vietnamese martyrs.

On the sideline of the requiem, documents and photos on Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty were displayed on the pagoda’s yard.

Began in April 2016, the construction of Dai Phuoc pagoda is completing auxiliary facilities. The pagoda is now a spiritual location in Yangon for the Vietnamese community in Myanmar, attracting crowds of Vietnamese Buddhist followers and foreigners.-VNA

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