Speaking atthe event, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s CentralCommittee and President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also Secretary of the CentralMilitary Commission, lauded the efforts of the Vietnam People’s Army in 2018which, he said, have greatly contributed to socio-economic development,political stability, and national defence-security.
He askedthe commission and army in general to uphold their revolutionary spirit and continueto score achievements in diverse areas in 2019 and the years to follow.
The armyneeds to focus on studying and making correct assessments to offer earlyforecasts, thereby consulting the Party and State about national defence tasks,especially in key and strategic areas, he said.
The leaderadded that army units must work together closely to ensure internal securityand politics, and fight corruption and wastefulness.
TheMinistry of Defence was required to continue rearranging its apparatus in linewith the resolution adopted by the sixth Party Central Committee and thePolitburo’s Conclusion No.16-Kl./TW on the organisation of the Vietnam People’sArmy towards 2021.
It mustthoroughly review the apparatus and function of its army units, especially businesses.
Thecommission and defence ministry were urged to drastically fix existingshortcomings, especially in the use and management of defence land.
Participantsat the event gave opinions on draft documents reviewing the five-yearimplementation of the commission’s Resolution No.791-NQ/QUTW dated December 30,2012 on directing the army’s science-technology and environment work until 2020and subsequent years; and Resolution No.765-NQ/QUTW dated December 20, 2012 onimproving training quality for the 2013-2020 period and following years.
Inconclusion, the Party chief asked the army to continue building a transparentand strong Party committee, take the vanguard in protecting the Party andregime, and stay determined in thwarting sabotage plots by hostile forces. –VNA