All structures of the Forbidden City, the homes of kings and royalfamilies that were once off-limits to the common people, will berestored according to their original architecture and designs.
Therestoration of Thai Hoa Palace, or the Palace of Heavenly Peace, wherecoronations and the court's premier ceremonies took place, hallways inthe Forbidden City, mausoleums dedicated to Kings Thieu Tri and DongKhanh, among others, will be completed by the end of next year.
Fromthen until 2017, work will be carried out on the Can Chanh Palace wherekings held court; the Phung Tien Palace which houses altars worshippingthe Nguyen Kings; the left and right wing pavilions of Thai Hoa Palace;mausoleums of Kings Gia Long and Thieu Tri; and the Tinh Tam (Peace ofMind) Lake.
The Can Thanh Palace, where kings had meals andslept, and the Khon Thai Palace, home of queens and senior concubines,and the Ngu tien Van phong (King's office) as well as the system ofwalls and gates of the Forbidden City will be restored between 2017 and2020.
Other structures outside the Forbidden City, like the KhamThien Giam (court's observatory and meteorological agency), Nam GiaoPlatform where kings worshipped Heaven, mausoleums dedicated to King TuDuc and Nguyen Lords (ancestors of Nguyen Kings), and waterways in thefeudal city will also be restored by 2020.
The plan will alsogive a facelift to natural landscapes around the monuments and relocateresidents who have encroached into monument areas. The restoration ofintangible cultural values, preservation of traditional handicrafts andtraining the next generation of artisans are also envisaged in the plan.
Totalinvestment for the restoration and preservation works will exceed 2.5trillion VND (120 million USD), according to Nguyen Minh Bieu, directorof the project's managing board.
He said the project is part of a10-year (2010-20) conservation plan prepared by the central Governmentfor the former feudal capital of Hue.
Around 20 sub-projects havebeen approved so far and some of them have already begunimplementation. Another 27 other sub-projects are at the formulationstage./.