Restoration, upgrade prepare for Hung Kings temple festival

The management board of the relic site Hung Kings Temple in the northern province of Phu Tho is accelerating preparations for the 2017 Hung Kings Temple festival.
Restoration, upgrade prepare for Hung Kings temple festival ảnh 1At the Hung Kings festival (Source: VNA)

Phu Tho (VNA) – The management board of the relic site Hung Kings Temple in the northern province of Phu Tho is accelerating preparations for the 2017 Hung Kings Temple festival.

Luu Quang Huy, Director of the relic site, said the board has stepped up the restoration and upgrade of Gieng Rong (Dragon well), a reception area and revamped the temple gate.

The site is continuing with two projects on infrastructure for the Mau lake and the third stage of the festival’s centre from October 2016 until 2020.

Since 2009, the relic site has invested more than 1 trillion VND (45.4 million USD), sourced from government funds and philanthropists, into upgrading temples and pagodas on Nghia Linh mountain, building a temple dedicated to Great Father Lac Long Quan and landscape around the temple.-VNA


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