Hanoi (VNA) - Retail petrol prices were up by nearly 500 VND per litre from 3pm on June 21following the latest adjustment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministryof Finance.
The retail price of E5RON92 bio-fuel increased 185 VND to a maximum of 31,302 VND (1.35 USD) per litre, while that of RON95rose 498 VND to 32,873 VND (1.42 USD) per litre.
The prices of diesel 0.05S and kerosene,meanwhile, went up 999 VNDand 946 VND to 30,019 VNDand 28,785 VNDper litre, respectively.
Thisis the seventh consecutive price increase since April 21. In total, the priceof RON 95-III and E5 RON 92 bio-fuel surged by about 5,500VND and nearly 5,000 VND per litre, respectively./.