The award is in recognition of Woo’s important contributions todeveloping and promoting activities related to natural resources andenvironment protection in Vietnam .
Speaking atthe event, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment NguyenManh Hien praised Woo for his role in promoting the bilateral relationsbetween the two countries, especially in the field of land management.
Beginning his tenure in Vietnam in 2010, Woo JunSohn has worked to connect land management agencies of the RoK andVietnam’s Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, resulting intwo ministerial memoranda of understanding for cooperation inenvironment and land data infrastructure building. He also played a rolein bringing about a cooperation MoU between the Land Polity Bureauunder the RoK Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the KoreaResearch Institute for Human Settlements and the Korea Association ofProperty Appraisers on one side and the General Department of LandAdministration of Vietnam on the other side.
Inaddition, Woo joined the policy-making process in mobilizing financialresources for a technical assistance project in building a multi-purposeland information database model, which was begun in December last year.
Upon receiving the insignia, the counsellor said he willspare no efforts to further push the cooperation for development betweenthe RoK and Vietnam.-VNA