Russia, Vietnam foster health care cooperation

The Moscow government invited Vietnam to join a project constructing a hi-tech healthcare complex in Moscow, Russia during a workshop promoting cooperation in industry, trade and tourism.
Russia, Vietnam foster health care cooperation ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

The Moscow government invited Vietnam to join a project constructing a hi-tech healthcare complex in Moscow, Russia during a workshop on September 22 promoting cooperation in industry, trade and tourism between Moscow and Hanoi.

Minister of the Moscow Government and Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations Sergey Cheremin highlighted the increasing trend of healthcare tourism.

The Moscow government has decided to establish a hi-tech healthcare complex, the first local facility hiring foreign doctors, in a bid to provide advanced healthcare services and secure the world’s leading position in the healthcare sector, he said.

The project will be implemented in the hi-tech Skolkovo Zone, which is similar to Silicon Valley in the US.-VNA


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