This is the second year in a row Russia has ranked among the top tentourist markets of Vietnam, according to the figure released by VietnamNational Administration of Tourism.
Russiantourists are attracted to Vietnam by its warm climate, charming beaches,beautiful landscapes, friendly people, and healthy food, said theAssociation of Tour Operators of Russia.
Vietnam-Russia air services have been strongly developed with opening ofnew direct flights such as Saint Petersburg – Nha Trang and Moscow –Nha Trang..
The Vietnam Airlines hasdoubled its flights on the Moscow – Nha Trang route just after sixmonths of operation and will increase to three flights a week in early2014.
The Vietnamese tourism authority,encouraged by the rapid growth in Russian tourist arrivals in the lasttwo years, has drawn up an ambitious plan to increase the number ofRussian visitors to 300,000 in 2014.-VNA