HCM City (VNA) – Samsung Vietnam and theMinistry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) rounded off its third training course forVietnamese consultants in the supporting industry with a ceremony in Ho ChiMinh City on October 19.
Speaking at the ceremony, Truong Thanh Hoai, Director of theMoIT’s Heavy Industries Department, pointed out some of the industry’s weakpoints in terms of competitiveness and spare parts materials, attributing themto the limited management and investment capacity of local companies.
He said the Government and other relevant ministries haveissued many policies to support the growth of the sector, adding that Samsung’scourses are an important part of such efforts.
Eight courses of this kind are scheduled to take place in2018 and 2019, each lasting for three months, aiming to train 200 consultantsin total. They are part of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the MoITand Samsung Vietnam, signed during the President of the Republic of Korea’svisit to Vietnam in March. The aim of the effort is to improve the productionefficiency of local enterprises in the sector, thus gradually meeting therequirements of global supply chains.
Participants are set to be provided with theoreticalknowledge on quality control and production management during the first fourweeks, followed by eight weeks of practice at enterprises, where they will applySamsung’s tested process. The process starts with assessing operations and the businesssituation of enterprises, advising them on how to renovate their productionprocess, quality management, and circulation of products by maintaining a goodworking environment and improving productivity.
The third and fourth courses, also held in HCM City, aredesigned for consultants from southern localities, while the first two were fornorthern provinces.
According to Director General of Samsung Vietnam Shim WonHwan, from the success and positive feedback of the first and second courses,it can be expected that the training for southern provinces will provide newknowledge and useful experience for learners, who will later become core humanresources for domestic enterprises in enhancing their capacity and competitiveness,thus allowing them to join supply chains of transnational groups, includingSamsung.
Samsung has been providing support for Vietnameseenterprises in this field by sending experienced experts to help them improvetheir capabilities. A total of 32 Vietnamese firms have benefited from thissupport to date.
At the Ho Chi Minh City ceremony, representatives fromcompanies in the south – such as Nghia Nippers JSC, Dien Quang Lamp JSC, and KhangThanh packaging company – received their certificates of completion.
Nguyen Thi Thanh, Vice Director of Khang Thanh, said thatwith the knowledge gained from the course, her company has made changes to itsproduction process, resulting in a 30 percent increase in productivity.–VNA