The eventbrought together a number of Russian experts in the field, includingE.M. Kobelev, G.M. Loksin, D.V. Mosyakov, A.A. Sokolov, and A.P. Svetov.
On his opening speech, Dmitry Mosyakov, Directorof the Centre for Southeast Asian, Australian and Oceanian Studies underthe Institute, said the strategic comprehensive partnership isbeneficial to the pair and totally fits their national interests.
Since both sides have been prepared for elevating the partnership to ahigher level in terms of quality, the forthcoming visit to Russia byParty General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong will aim to make a breakthroughin the work, he noted.
During the seminar,delegates touched upon various aspects of the bilateral relations, suchas political cooperation; models for the strategic comprehensivepartnership as well as prospects for future cooperation in trade,education and culture.
The seminar was organised as a forerunner to the upcoming visit to Russia by the Vietnamese Party chief.-VNA