Seminar talks Vietnam-Russia education cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan on September 16 attended a round-table seminar in Moscow themed “Strategic cooperation in education and science-technology: foundation for sustainable development of Vietnam-Russia strategic partnership”.
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan on September 16 attended a round-table seminar in Moscow themed “Strategic cooperation in education and science-technology: foundation for sustainable development of Vietnam-Russia strategic partnership”.

Addressing the event, Deputy PM Nhan, who is on a working visit to Russia from September 14-18 at the invitation of his Russian counterpart Olga Golodet, said his visit aims to concretise the content of the strategic cooperation between the two countries in the fields of education and science-technology.

He noted that Vietnam is always grateful to Russia for training over 25,000 Vietnamese doctorate holders and highly-qualified engineers in many fields, who are lending their services to national construction and defence.

The deputy PM said Vietnam is implementing a programme on sending 10,000 students abroad for post-graduate training, and Russia is one of the top choices of partners for this plan.

He declared that Vietnam wants to increase the number of Vietnamese students in Russia to 4,000 by 2020, including those funded by Vietnam ’s own State budget and Russia’s scholarships.

Delegates to the seminar agreed to push study on the possibility of opening joint-venture universities, and considering new directions for cooperation such as in shipbuilding, space research, health care, marine science, biology and satellite positioning.

Top officials from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science signed a minutes on cooperation on the occasion.-VNA

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