The legislators also cast secret ballots to relievethe Chairpersons of some NA Committees, the NA Secretary General and the StateAuditor General.
After the voting results were announced, all 448deputies present at the sitting, equivalent to 93.33 percent of the total numberof legislators, the legislature passed a resolutions on relieving Phan ThanhBinh, Phan Xuan Dung, Nguyen Van Giau, Nguyen Hanh Phuc and Tran Van Tuy fromthe positions as members of the 14th NA Standing Committee.
All of the 448 participating deputies also adopted aresolution on relieving Chairman of the NA Committee for Culture, Education,Youth and Adolescents Phan Thanh Binh; Chairman of the NA Committee forScience, Technology and Environment Phan Xuan Dung; and Chairman of the NA Committeefor External Relations Nguyen Van Giau from their posts.
These solutions took effect as soon as they won theapproval of the legislature.
With 449 approval votes of the legislators presentat the meeting, equivalent to 93.54 percent of the total number of NA deputies,the legislature approved a resolution on relieving Nguyen Hanh Phuc from theposition of Secretary General of the 14th NA.
The resolution will come into force after a newSecretary General of the 14th NA is elected.
A resolution on relieving State Audit General Ho DucPhoc also sailed through the legislature with 449 approval votes out of 449lawmakers present at the sitting. The resolution became effective right afterthe NA’s approval./.