Scientifically known as Thymophylla, the flower has many different names in Vietnam, such as chrysanthemums, falling-star flower or drooping daisy. (Photo: Vietnamplus)
With an average height of 15-30 cm, the daisy flowers have a drooping shape, with the stem curved towards the ground, but the flowers grow upwards to receive sunlight. (Photo: Vietnamplus)
The plant is native to central Texas in the US and northern Mexico. In Vietnam, it is mainly found in tropical forests. (Photo: Vietnamplus)
It has more flowers when it is about 15-20 cm tall, with growers often trimming the top to give it more branches. (Photo: Vietnamplus)
To create this flower garden, the owner nurtured the plants from seeds 4-5 months ago. (Photo: Vietnamplus)