Singapore launches new licence conditions for employment agencies

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of Singapore has issued a new regulation requiring employment agencies in the country to meet new licence conditions to strengthen fair hiring practices.
Singapore launches new licence conditions for employment agencies ảnh 1Merlion - Singapore Lion Statue (Source:

Singapore (VNA) -  
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of Singapore has issued a new regulation requiring employment agencies in the country to meet new licence conditions to strengthen fair hiring practices.

The nearly 3,900 employment agencies licensed by MOM must not in any way abet discriminatory hiring by their clients, such as by withholding applications based on age, race, nationality, gender and disability.

They must also turn down requests or instructions from clients to carry out discriminatory hiring, it added. 

In addition to helping clients fulfil job advertising requirements, employment agencies must also "make reasonable efforts" to attract Singaporeans for vacancies and consider all applicants based on merit, said MOM.

These licence conditions take effect from October, and those that do not comply may have their licence revoked or suspended, or be issued demerit points. 

The new regulation came amid the increasing unemployment rate in the city state due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The rate is forecast to jump to 4 percent in late 2020, from 2.6 percent recorded last year. This is considered a next step of the Singaporean government to address employment for local residents as the general election is approaching./.

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