Soc Trang (VNA) – A new office was officiallyopened for the Investment Promotion and Enterprise Support Centre of Soc Trangprovince’s Business Incubator on June 18.
The office is located at No 479A, Le Duan Street, Commune9, Soc Trang city, the same name province.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Le Thanh Tri,Chairman of the People’s Committee of the Mekong Delta province, said the pilotproject Business Incubator, funded by the Government of Canada through theSmall and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Development Project, has beeneffectively carried out in Soc Trang to support local enterprises and startupbusinesses.
The office will serve as a contact point for organisationsin the province and across the country to facilitate the development of a localstartup ecosystem in the coming years.
Since 2011, through the Global Affairs Canada, theGovernment of Canada has provided 10 million CAD in financial assistance for SocTrang to implement the SME Development Project, said Charlene Laurenece, FirstSecretary of the Embassy of Canada in Vietnam. The project has greatlycontributed to supporting the growth of local enterprises and developing abetter business climate and startup ecosystem in the province.
At the event, the provincial Investment Promotionand Enterprise Support Centre inked a memorandum of understanding with sixpartners, including startup businesses, colleges and state agencies, paving theway for cooperation in supporting and developing the local startup community inthe province in the time ahead.-VNA