Apart from implementing the Law of Personnel and Public Servants whichwill take effect early next year, the Ministry will review theimplementation of the state administrative reform master plan for2001-2010, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Tien Dinh said at anadministrative reform partnership forum held in Hanoi on Nov. 27.
The Ministry will then devise a programme for the 2011-2020 period tosubmit the Government for approval in the fourth quarter of 2010, headded.
Deputy Minister Dinh spoke highly of the close cooperation with theinternational donor community in the recent past, expressing his wishto continue receiving their support, particularly in experience andtechnology for assessing and developing the programme.
Setsuko Yamazaki, Country Director of the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) in Vietnam , praised of the country’s efforts inadministrative reform.
She affirmed the UN’s readiness to provide experiences and in-deepanalysis in order to help Vietnam map out orientations and prioritiesfor administrative reforms in the next decade.
Vietnam has obtained positive results in public administrativereforms with the issuance and revision of laws, which reflected theenhancement of institutions in the relationship between stateadministrative agencies on the one side, and the people and businessfirms on the other side, as well as promoting decentralisation,according to the Ministry.
The country has completed the first phase of the project on thesimplification of administrative procedures in state management. Thegovernment announced the creation of a national database onadministrative procedures in October.
Many administrative agencies performed their duties publicly andtransparently through a one-door model, which facilitated theadministrative process for firms and individuals, and also paved theway for the people to get involved in monitoring state administrativeagencies, minimising negative phenomena and harassment.
The model has been carried out effectively in Ho Chi Minh City , Hanoi, Hai Phong City , Thai Nguyen, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Quang Ninh, Quang Binhand Nghe An provinces./.