State President hosts Vietnam Buddhist Sangha leaders

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on May 13 hosted a reception for a delegation from the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) led by Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, Chairman of its Executive Council.
State President hosts Vietnam Buddhist Sangha leaders ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and members of the delegation pose for a photo (Photo: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on May 13 hosted a reception for a delegation from the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) led by Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, Chairman of its Executive Council.

At the reception, held on the occasion of the Buddha’s 2565th birthday, Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon lauded the success of the Government in the 2016-2021 tenure in all fields.

He said that the VBS has grown comprehensively during its 40-year development, with its Buddhist affairs and activities in building religious solidarity and great national unity bloc lauded by people from all walks of life.

It has raised trillions of dong for the needy, while actively engaging in the movement of planting 1 billion trees as part of efforts to deal with climate change in the country, he said, adding that the organisation has also given strong response to the call regarding COVID-19 prevention and control.
State President hosts Vietnam Buddhist Sangha leaders ảnh 2The reception is held on the occasion of the Buddha’s 2565th birthday (Photo: VNA)

The Sangha has hosted the UN Day of Vesak for three times, said Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, recognising the support from President Nguyen Xuan Phuc for the work. Meanwhile, it has paid special attention to the material and spiritual lives of Buddhist followers abroad, he added.
Leaders of the VBS expressed hope that as a State leader, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc will continue to create optimal conditions for the oganisation in its operations.

For his part, President Phuc congratulated the VBS and all Buddhist followers on the occasion of the Buddha’s birthday.

He thanked Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon and other leaders of the VBS for their valuable opinions, while hailing the efforts of monks and followers in COVID-19 prevention and control.

Describing Buddhism as a religion accompanying the nation, the State leader noted that the organisation has taken the pioneering role in patriotic movements and religious solidarity. He also spoke highly of its charity activities.

He affirmed that the achievements of the Vietnam Buddhism have proved that the right to freedom of belief and religion of Vietnamese people have been protected by the Constitution and law.

The important contributions by the VBS has shown not only the close relations between Buddhism and the nation but also the unity between religion and life, between the Sangha and the country, as well as between Vietnam and the world.

He clarified that Vietnam is home to diverse religions with more than 90 percent of the population following a belief or religion and 24 million of religious followers, accounting for 27 percent of the country’s population.

The consistent policy of the Party and State in this field is respecting and observing the right to freedom of belief and religion of the people, he stated, pledging that the State works to ensure all religious practices take place in line with the law and regulations recognised by the State, while creating conditions for religious followers and dignitaries in religious practicing and performing their duties as a citizen.

He said he hopes the VBS will continue to promote its role and prestige in strengthening the national great unity bloc and the solidarity among religions, thus optimising the strengths of beliefs and religions as well as culture for the national development.

He also reminded ministries, sectors and localities to show strong performance in implementing ethnic and religious policies, while combating the abuse of beliefs and religions which go against the law.

He said he believes that the VBS will successfully organise upcoming important events, including the 40th anniversary of the organisation and the Buddhist congresses at all levels towards the national-level Congress./.

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