Student rides bike across country to support gay rights

A third-year psychology student of the University of Social Sciences and Humanity has completed the days of her trans-Vietnam bicycle tour aimed at garnering support for the gay community.
A third-year psychology student of the University of Social Sciences and Humanity has completed the days of her trans-Vietnam bicycle tour aimed at garnering support for the gay community.

The 22-year-old Vu Kieu Oanh, began her 35-day bicycle tour from Hanoi 's Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum on July 9.

Oanh, who herself confesses that she is not a lesbian, said she has planned this trip with a group of friends last year, aiming to raise awareness of environmental protection.

However, Oanh decided that she will focus on gay rights as they pedal through more than 20 provinces and cities.

She has received warm support from the LGBT community after posting updates on the journey on her Facebook page.

She explains there that she has had the opportunity to talk to many lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transsexual people.

"I saw that they are discriminated against, ostracized and even beaten by others. That's why I hope the community will give them the respect they deserve and treat them as equals."

Oanh's task of riding more than 1,855km is not an easy one. Here hands have already developed blisters after riding 64km to Phu Ly in Ninh Binh Province . She decided not to stop and wore gloves because she was afraid she will not be able to catch up with her friends, she wrote in her Facebook entry.

Oanh and her group plan to reach Phu Quoc Island on August 10 and Rach Gia City in Kien Giang Province a day later. They will ride to HCM City on August 12 and fly back to Hanoi the next day.-VNA

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