The fire broke out at a warehouse belonging toKerry TJ Logistics in Guanyin district of Taiwan’s Taoyuan city at 10am,leaving three of the six Vietnamese working there dead, according to theDepartment of Overseas Labour of Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids andSocial Affairs.
The management board for Vietnamese workers inTaiwan said all the labourers had been hired to serve as part-time workers forthe company in the Lunar New Year holiday. However, the firm had not yet beenlicensed to hire foreign workers.
The Department of Overseas Labour said it hasrequested that companies involved in sending those workers to Taiwan contactthe victims’ relatives and help them handle procedures to go to Taiwan to solverelevant issues. It has also asked the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office inHanoi to facilitate the granting of visas for them.
The Vietnamese worker management board hasliaised with Taiwanese authorised agencies to learn about the incident. It hasalso demanded an investigation and requested that the Taiwanese employer payappropriate compensation and coordinate to handle the incident.
Representatives from the board have also visitedthe injured workers in a local hospital. –VNA