The projectusing funding of nearly 500,000 USD from the Asia-Pacific Network forSustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) has plantedfive species of large trees suitable for timber products on 26.1ha andfive non-timber tree species on 16.8 ha in Thu Cuc and Thuong Cuucommunes in the province from 2010 to 2012.
It isintended to raise forest coverage, the ecological value, the localauthorities’ management capability and also improve people’slivelihoods.
Vice General Director of the project LiShuxin said that the project has not only enhanced forest protection buthas also helped local residents to access new technologies and tap intoforests and forest land in a sustainable manner.
Experts said the project needs to seek out more outlets for forestryproducts and expand models of forest management and rehabilitation notonly in Phu Tho province but also across the country.
The APFNet is an open regional organisation which promotes and improvessustainable forest management and rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacificregion.
Originally initiated by China and co-sponsored byAustralia and the US , the establishment of the APFNet was approvedat the 15th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Sydney , Australia ,in September 2007 and was included in the APEC Leaders’ Declaration onClimate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development../.