Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnamattaches great importance to its relations with Tanzania,one of the country’s priority partners in Africa,Acting President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh affirmed on October 11.
At a meeting with visitingTanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Augustine Mahigain Hanoi, Thinhnoted with pleasure the fruitful bilateral political collaboration in the party,government, and national assembly channels.
She urged the two sides to promotepolitical cooperation as it creates a firm foundation and favourable conditionsfor economic, trade, and investment ties, as well as affiliation in otherspheres.
The host also suggested thetwo countries step up trade and investment relations in order to bringbilateral trade turnover to 1 billion USD in the near future, as agreed bytheir leaders, while expanding partnerships in such areas as agriculture,telecommunications, and consumer goods production.
Vietnam stands ready to share its experience in agriculturalproduction with Tanzania,helping the Tanzanian Government successfully realise its strategy of makingagriculture a spearhead sector for the nation’s development.
Thinh expressed her hope thatVietnam and Tanzaniawill carry forward their cooperation and coordinate with each other atinternational and multi-lateral forums, including the UN Non-Aligned Movement.
She congratulated Tanzania on the political-economic-socialachievements the country has recorded in recent times and lauded the role,position, and contributions of Tanzaniato peace, integration, and development in East Africa.
For his part, AugustineMahiga highlighted the time-honoured cooperative ties between Vietnam and Tanzania.
Expressing his admiration forVietnam’s socio-economicachievements, he said Vietnamis a exemplary model for Tanzaniaduring its process of national development.
Tanzania supports Vietnam’s run for a non-permanent seat atthe UN Security Council for 2020-2021, he promised.
The Minister said Vietnam’s investments have helped Tanzania witheconomic transformation, towards industrialisation and modernisation.
The Tanzanian Governmentalways creates the best possible conditions for Vietnamese firms to invest in andrun business in the country, he stressed, expressing his hope that Tanzania willattract more Vietnamese enterprises in the time ahead. –VNA