Thai Deputy Government Spokesperson Rachada Dhanadirek revealed that theMinistries of Public Health, Education and Social Development and HumanSecurity have signed an agreement on the protection of pregnant students ateducational institutes, with the aim of continuing to provide education toyoung mothers.
Under this agreement, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Securityprovides welfare for pregnant teenagers and their families, such asoccupational training before and after childbirth, assistance in employmentarrangements, as well as providing foster families, in case young mothers areunable to take care of their children themselves.
At the same time, the Ministry of Education has adjusted the sex educationcurriculum, to provide better information and more focus on safe sex.
According to the National Economic and Social Development Council’s (NESDC)report, the rate of pregnancy in the 15-19 year old population has fallen from51 per 1,000 in 2015 to 23 per 1,000 last year.
The pregnancy rate in this age group is still particularly high in the northernand southern regions, where the figure is 42 per 1,000 and 35 per 1,000respectively, while the rate of pregnancy in women younger than 15 years old isat 0.8 percent.
The data also shows teenager mothers in Thailand have lower levels ofeducation, mostly primary school only, at 130 persons per 1,000 population,with the number decreasing at each higher education levels.
Most of the pregnant teenagers had to stop their education, with only 23percent being able to return to her own school afterwards. This condition makesit difficult for young mothers to find a good job or income opportunities,forcing them to rely on other people./.