Bangkok (NNT/VNA) - An exhibition on the royal barge procession istaking place from October 25 to November 11 at Sanam Luang, Bangkok.
The procession is part of nationwide celebrations of His Majesty King MahaVajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua’s coronation earlier this year.
The exhibition has attracted many visitors, including university and schoolstudents taking field trips to learn about Thai history. Many visitors said theevent is certainly worth viewing because it includes many rare displays. Itoffers in-depth knowledge about the royal barges, Thai culture and the nationalidentity.
The event also features four royal barges, namely the Suphannahong Royal Barge,the Narai Song Suban His Majesty King Rama IX Royal Barge, the AnantanakharajRoyal Barge and the Anekchartphuchong Royal Barge.
The exhibition is displayed in three zones. The first zone shows coronationssince the Rattanakosin period. The second zone features an extravagant threedimensional show in celebration of the royal grace. The third zone offersinformation about the royal barges in the Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin eras. Aspectacular light-and-sound show using special water effects is presented everynight./.