Bangkok (VNA) – The Thai Foreign Trade Department is confident thatthe country will sell no less than 11 million tonnes of rice to foreigners thisyear as demand for rice continues to increase.
Director-General of the department Adul Chotinisakorn said that Thailand isdelivering the 6th batch of rice totaling 100,000 tonnes to theChina Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO) under thegovernment-to-government deal between the two countries.
He added that the Philippines and Japan have been holding rice import auctions,so Thailand can expect more orders from both countries. Thailand and Japan havealready agreed on an 87,000-tonne rice deal.
During January-October, Thailand sold 8.9 million tonnes of rice worth 4.6billion USD, he said, expressing his belief that this year’s target of 11million tonnes will be achieved.
The Ministry of Commerce said that it is keeping a close watch on fluctuationsin the price of agricultural products to prepare special measures to maintaintheir value. It will work closely with relevant authorities to promote theselling of agricultural products in the last three months of the year. Thefocus will be given to coconut, palm oil, rice and pineapple which are facingexcess supply.-VNA