Thailand launches anti-dumping probe on Chinese extruded aluminium

Thailand’s Department of Foreign Trade has launched an anti-dumping investigation on extruded aluminium from China after Thai manufacturers complained of damage from imports.

Illustrative photo (Photo: The Nation)
Illustrative photo (Photo: The Nation)

Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand’s Department of Foreign Trade has launched an anti-dumping investigation on extruded aluminium from China after Thai manufacturers complained of damage from imports.

Acting Thai Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai took the action as a response to public concern over cheap foreign goods flooding Thailand and unfair competition.

The Commerce Ministry has taken measures including anti-dumping duties and caps on certain imports. The duties mainly target steel products from China, Taiwan (China), Japan, the EU, and the Republic of Korea.

The Anti-Dumping and Subsidy Committee of Thailand has launched a nine-month investigation of Chinese extruded aluminium at the request of Thai producers. Extra duties will be imposed for five years if dumping is confirmed. If damage persists, the measure may be extended for another five years./.


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