Thailand to issue medical treatment visa next year

The Thai Government on November 15 approved the Public Health Ministry’s proposal to issue visas for foreigners coming to Thailand for medical treatment.
Thailand to issue medical treatment visa next year ảnh 1At an airport in Bangkok (Photo: AFP)

Bangkok (VNA) – The Thai Government on November 15 approved the Public Health Ministry’s proposal to issue visas for foreigners coming to Thailand for medical treatment.

Deputy Government spokeswoman Tipanan Sirichana said the new type of visa is tentatively planned for January 1, 2023 as related government agencies are ready for its launch.

The new visa allows multiple entries and is valid for one year. The visa holder can stay in the country for 90 days. Three people who are immediate family members are also allowed.

The move is also to cement Thailand’s position as a medical hub in the region, she said.
Thailand currently allows tourists coming for medical treatment if they apply for a tourist visa or a non-immigrant visa. The exemption is for visitors from six countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, together with China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam./.


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