Thailand welcomes EU to restore political contacts

Thailand welcomed the decision of the European Union (EU) to resume political contacts at all levels with the Southeast Asian country.
Thailand welcomes EU to restore political contacts ảnh 1Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai.
(Photo: Nikkei Asian)

Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand welcomed the decision of the European Union (EU) to resume political contacts at all levels with the Southeast Asian country.

Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai told the press on December 12 that the most important thing is that the EU has relaxed its stance towards Thailand, describing this as a political development move.

With this decision, all official political contact and exchange visits between leaders and officials of European countries and Thailand will be normally carried out, he said.

The relaxation will also have a good psychological effect on investors, he added.

He noted that the talks between Thailand and the EU on economic cooperation, including a free trade agreement, could proceed at the right time.

Earlier on December 11, the EU agreed to resume political ties at all levels with Thailand after three years of suspending relations in protest at the military coup in Bangkok.

The EU is the third biggest trade partner of Thailand, after China and Japan, while Thailand is the third largest trade partner of the EU in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

According to the European Commission (EC), Thailand exported 19.6 billion EUR (equivalent to 23.11 billion USD) worth of goods to the EU in 2015, whilst the EU exported 13.4 billion EUR (about 15.8 billion USD) to Thailand.-VNA

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