The TNSC said that the country’s November 2017 export valuegrew to a six-year high of 21.43 billion USD or a 13.4 percent increase againstthe same period last year. Total export value for the first 11 months of 2017reached 216.95 billion USD, a 10 percent increase year on year.
Key products included vehicles and car parts, computers and computer parts, andfood. Major importers were China, the United States, and Japan.
Thailand’s export sector in 2018 is expected to grow by 5.5percent to around 230 billion USD. According to the TNSC, notable industrieswould be electronic parts, vehicles and vehicle parts, and phone accessories.
The council claims that the key challenge this year lies in the agriculture andfood industries, saying the government must encourage farmers to createvalue-added products, while keeping costs down, and diversifying crops as a wayto manage risk.
Other proposals to the government include ensuring thestability of the Thai baht, developing human resources for the manufacturingsector, supporting exports to new markets, and accelerating logisticalinfrastructure projects to expedite the Eastern Economic Corridor.-VNA