ThanhHoa (VNA) - The central province of Thanh Hoa aims to send 10,000 labourersto work abroad in 2019 and following years, according to the provincialDepartment of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
To realise the goal, the department has devised specific and practicalmeasures, focusing on coordinating with the local authorities to disseminate policiesof the Party, State and province on labour export, as well as disclose informationrelated to rights and benefits of workers before going abroad for working.
The sector has also worked with the local authorities to effectively implement policieson labour export support policies to encourage labourers, cs and enterprises to join the work.
Attention has been paid to inspecting labour export activities in the locality,towards preventing legal violations in the field, while favourable conditionshave been provided for capable and prestigious labour exporters to openbranches and representative offices in several localities.
Commercial and social policy banks have gave preferential loans to those inneed, especially workers from disadvantaged and policy beneficiary families.
Hoang Ngoc Trung from the department said in 2018, Thanh Hoa sent 10,020labourers to work in foreign countries under contracts, equal to 100.2 percentof the set plan, lifting the number of local employees working abroad to 30,000.
Labourexport has importantly contributed to implementing the target programme on sustainableemployment and poverty reduction.
Atpresent, Taiwan (China) and Japan are the key markets for Thanh Hoa’s workers.-VNA