Thua Thien-Hue: Tourism businesses strive to reduce plastic waste

The Tourism Association of the central province of Thua Thien-Hue held a conference in Hue city on August 6 to review the sector’s plastic waste reduction practices as part of a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-funded project.

Hotels in Hue city are increasingly adopting natural, eco-friendly products as a strategy to minimise plastic waste in their tourism operations. (Photo:
Hotels in Hue city are increasingly adopting natural, eco-friendly products as a strategy to minimise plastic waste in their tourism operations. (Photo:

Thua Thien-Hue (VNA) – The Tourism Association of the central province of Thua Thien-Hue held a conference in Hue city on August 6 to review the sector’s plastic waste reduction practices as part of a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-funded project.

Sponsored by the WWF-Norway through the WWF-Vietnam, the project aims to turn Hue into a plastic waste reduction city in the central region.

In his remarks at the event, the chairperson of the association, Dinh Manh Thang, reported that it has been supported by the project in implementing initiatives to minimise single-use plastic waste from hotels, travel companies, and community-based tourism sites in Hue.

Since August 2023, the association has conducted related awareness-raising training sessions for 120 members, with 22 participating hotels committing to carrying out at least one plastic reduction practice, piloting a plastic waste reduction tour, and developing a zero-waste destination in Thuy Bieu ward, Hue city.

At the conference, 20 hotels and travel companies signed a commitment to continue participating in the plastic waste reduction drive.

In recognition of the efforts made by tourism service providers, the Vietnam Tourism Association awarded certificates of merit to the Thua Thien-Hue Tourism Association as well as 12 local hotels and travel companies.

Additionally, seven pioneering hotels in plastic reduction received commendations from the Hue People's Committee./.


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