Top 10 events that shaped Hanoi in 2017

A seven-year-high growth rate, being listed among the world’s top 10 cities with fastest tourism growth and breakthroughs in administrative reforms were some of Hanoi’s achievements in 2017.
Top 10 events that shaped Hanoi in 2017 ảnh 1Visitors to the Book Street in downtown Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

Hano​i (VNA) – A seven-year-high growth rate, being listed among the world’stop 10 cities with fastest tourism growth, and breakthroughs in administrativereforms were some of Hanoi’s achievements in 2017.

Thecapital city has selected 10 of its outstanding events last year as follows:

1. Reviewing the five-yearimplementation of the 11th-tenure Politburo’s Resolution11-NQ/TW on plans and tasks for developing the capital city between 2011and 2020

ThePolitburo recognised Hanoi’s efforts and attainments in the resolution’simplementation. While local economic growth was 1.5 times faster than thenational average, per capita gross regional domestic product in 2016 was 1.7times higher than in 2011.

2. Actively implementing thePolitburo’s Resolution 30 and the Resolution of the sixth meeting of the12th-tenure Party Central Committee on apparatus organisation,personnel downsizing and restructuring of officials and public employees

3. Achieving all 20 socio-economictargets for 2017, seven of which were surpassed

Hanoirecorded gross domestic product growth of 7.3 percent – a seven-year high, andexport revenue of 11.8 billion USD, up 10.3 percent from 2016. It collected 208trillion VND (9.17 billion USD) for the state budget, rising by 1.6 percentfrom the targeted revenue and 16 percent from the previous year.

4. Tourism develops strongly,turning Hanoi into the world’s top 10 cities with fastest tourism growth

Thecapital city welcomed about 23.83 million tourists, including 4.95 millionforeigners, in 2017. The tourist numbers respectively increased by 9 percentand 23 percent. Local tourism revenue was estimated at 70.96 trillion VND (over3.1 billion USD), up 15 percent year on year.

Someprestigious websites like Business Insider, Discovery, CNN and TripAdvisor gaveHanoi third place among the 20 top destinations and listed the capital ofVietnam among the world’s top 10 cities with fastest tourism growth and mostattractive destinations.

5. Breakthroughs in administrativereforms, investment climate improvement, and start-up ecosystemdevelopment

Hanoiclimbed six places in the Public Administration Reform Index (PAR Index) tothird nationwide. Its Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) rose by 10 placesto 14th position among the 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam.

Whilecarrying out solutions to support start-ups, Hanoi remained an attractiveinvestment destination, with more than 3.4 billion USD in FDI capital pouredinto the city in 2017.

6. Leading in new-style rural areabuilding and poverty elimination

Thirtycommunes in Hanoi were recognised as new-style rural areas in 2017, raising thetotal to 285, or 73.8 percent of the city’s 386 communes. The city now has fournew-style rural districts (Dan Phuong, Dong Anh, Thanh Tri, Hoai Duc) after twodistricts gained the title last year.

Thelocal household poverty rate also fell 0.68 percent from the previous year to1.69 percent according to the city’s poverty line.

7. Support for house constructionand repair for revolutionary contributors

Thecity provided 955 billion VND (42.1 million USD) for house building and repairfor 8,211 revolutionary contributors’ families.

8. Education-training andsports-physical training received more attention

Hanoihad 108 new national-standard schools recognised, raising the number of publicschools meeting national standards to 1,313. It also led in nationalcompetitions for excellent students with 146 prizes, including 11 first-placeprizes. At regional and international Olympiads, local students won 138 medals,including 39 gold medals.

Hanoiathletes pocketed 2,063 medals last year, 453 of which were obtained ininternational competition.

9. Celebrating the 45th anniversary of the “Hanoi – Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory (December1972)

10. Publishing the encyclopedia of Hanoi’sexpansion period

The14-volume encyclopedia covers multiple sectors of the city’s expanded region,which consisted former Ha Tay province, former Me Linh district of Vinh Phucprovince and four former communes of Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province.-VNA

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